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Facial aesthetics

Are you concerned about the effects of ageing on your appearance?

Wrinkles are part of the ageing process as, over time, the structural makeup of your skin alters. Skin slows down its ability to produce good collagen and elasticity from the late twenties. As the body ages, the appearance and characteristics of our skin change.

Age, hormones, sun exposure and smoking, all have a part to play, causing fine lines and wrinkles. Skin may feel slighter rougher and less elastic. The amount of Hyaluronic acid (HA), a natural substance produced by your skin, decreases with age, causing us to retain less water. The oil-producing (sebaceous) glands become less active and our skin becomes drier. The face also loses fat, so it looks less plump and smooth. As the ageing process progresses, we also find that everything ‘heads south’ and folds and lines appear that can be quite prominent.

As we get older, we start to see two kinds of wrinkles appear:

  • Dynamic lines which form only when moving the muscle, like a frown for example.  
  • Static lines, which are wrinkles that have become ingrained into the skin due to the volume loss.

Treating both of these main components of facial ageing leads to natural, balanced and refined outcomes.

Can you stop or slow down the process?

Of course, you can never stop the natural ageing process, but a healthy diet and lifestyle will help slow this down and may minimise aging effects. Regular exercise, keeping hydrated, along with a healthy diet will all help.

But if you’re looking for some help you to look rejuvenated, and restore your personal confidence, facial aesthetic treatments may be used to soften lines and define facial contours.

We offer solutions to help you restore a healthier, younger looking you. These treatments are a fuss-free and straightforward option if you are looking to soften lines and wrinkles, or to lift your brows or jowls. Book a consultation to see if these treatments could suit you.

If ageing skin is a concern of yours then Lander Dental & Implant Clinic are pleased to offer consultations for the following facial aesthetic treatments:

  • Dermal Fillers
  • Solutions for lines and wrinkles

A complete skin consultation and analysis of your face is provided by our practice specialists. Relax in calm, safe environment, where you can take the time to decide on the right skin solution for you. 

Call us on 01872 272777 to book in your facial aesthetics consultation.

Why do dentists offer this treatment?

Dentists are highly knowledgeable about the anatomy of the face and understand how to treat it safely. They’re used to looking at people’s faces to observe symmetry and balance to create aesthetically pleasing smiles. Dentists also have skills honed with years of administering injections in difficult and restrictive areas, which also enables them to use traditional local anaesthesia if necessary.

Dermal fillers

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Dermal fillers plump out fine lines and wrinkles to restore a more youthful appearance. At Lander Dental & Implant Clinic we use a dermal filler called hyaluronic acid (HA), which is something that already naturally occurs in the body.

Filler products have evolved enormously and are now based  upon hyaluronic acid which occurs naturally in the skin, achieve much more subtle and natural results. Hyaluronic acid forms part of the matrix supporting the function of our skin and can also be considered our skin’s internal moisturizer, absorbing a lot of water and hence being responsible for our skin’s hydration

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